Cuba | Digital transformation is a pillar in Cuban education

dplnews artemisa cuba vc 211021


Fernando Ortega Cabrera, director of Educational Technology of the Ministry of Education (Mined), acknowledged that the country has the necessary conditions to give continuity to the development of the computerization of processes in the sector by making optimal use of the telematic network.
As part of the 19th Pedagogy 2025 Congress, which is in session at the Havana Convention Palace until tomorrow, he highlighted the role of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education in the training of citizens in digital matters.
To this end, they have carried out actions such as the conception of the computer science discipline at all levels and grades of education, the production of contents, which include the Cubaeduca portal and the transmission of 25 hours a week and 36 programs on the Educational Channel, said Ortega Cabrera.

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